The Senior Years at Good Shepherd are designed to empower students to realise their potential in a range of flexible and individualised pathways. Each student has the potential and capacity to enrich their work through the development of their gifts and abilities. We strive to tailor quality and authentic learning experiences to bring these gifts and abilities into fruition.
Good Shepherd offers an extensive number of co-curricular activities to support and extend their students’ learning in their curricular subjects. Students have the opportunity to participate in a significant number of sporting pursuits as well as academic and artistic endeavors. Students are supported by specialist teachers and coaches to ensure they get the most out of the time they invest in extending themselves with the benefits being realised both inside and outside the classroom.
Liam Newton (Yr 10) has been selected for the U16 and Smith Connors (Yr8) has been selected for the U14 Queensland State Water Polo squads.
They will be competing in the 2019 Interstate Championships in Sydney and Hobart in July.
Auguste Korac & Thomas Neal have also been selected in the U14 Qld training squads.
Selection was based on performances at State Titles December last year, and Nationals this year.
Congratulations Liam, Smith, Auguste & Thomas!